Friday, June 04, 2010


I write this blog today in a sad state of mind. My life has been seriously complicated by a really crappy situation. Every time this situation comes to mind, it ruins my day, it makes me depressed, and it makes me want to cry. When I get depressed, I tend to get angry as well, then tend to lash out at my loved ones. It's awful. On top of that, it puts me in a bad mood, and I'm not pleasant to be around. I just want to be left alone by my family, but I want my friends close. But whenever I really want to talk to a friend about it, nobody's online to chat. :( I want this situation to go away. But, it can't until I can completely surpess it in my thoughts. I give it to God every night, but it still crowds my thought and memories. It helps now to write this out, and it helps to rant in my journal, but that's only a temporary relief. I can't take it anymore. Where's the situation-be-gone gel that I can rub on my head to erase my memories of it?? I CAN'T TAKE IT ANYMORE!! I want it to GO AWAY!!! :(