Thursday, October 05, 2006

Choir - Drama Tryouts and Results.

Last week were the drama tryouts for the choir play called "Christmas with Little Orphan Hannah." The play's a spin off of Little Orphan Anne with a mix of Oliver Twist in it. I tried out for the part "Missus Curmudgeon." Missus Curmudgeon is the owner of the orphanage. She's number one, and she and her "sidekick," Persnickity, keep the orphans in line. They're really mean to the orphans. Curmudgeon believes that the orphans are out to ruin her life. The character is TOTALLY awesome. So, that's what I tried out for. I was a little nervous about the tryouts, afraid I wouldn't be able to sing the song she has to sing. Today, we found out what part we all got. And, guess what?!? I GOT MISSUS CURMUDGEON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm soooooo excited!!! The play is typical of my director's style. Funny, serious, sarcastic, and a little corny, all in one. But I just love the part I got and I'm super, super happy!!!

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