Friday, October 26, 2007

Whoa - the effects of no sleep

Ha ha ha!! This is hilarious. So, last night, I was up all night long. I had homework due this morning and it wasn't done. I logged onto myspace because I needed Nicole's help on a question (we have the same class together). Then, she gave me her yahoo IM screen name. So, I logged onto IM and then she gave me Crystal's screen name. We pulled an all nighter. I only got 15 mintues of sleep that night!! It was pretty crazy. lol. Nicole and I were working on homework for the same class, but poor Crystal was working on an assignment for a different class. But we were all helping each other stay awake to finish our assignments. I was IMing Crystal, Crystal was IMing Nicole, and Nicole was IMing me. lol. So, we were all having fun. Well, the time kept getting later and later. Well, we were all really tired so, you can imagine our conversations started getting a little on the wacky side. lol. The 3 of us decided that we are crazy, homework doing, chatty zombies. lol. So, Crystal and I were just randomly posting little blurbs (the audibles) and one of them said "All the ladies in the house say..." So, when she posted that I finsihed it by quoting KJ-52 "Uh, gimme that mountain dew". So, we just kept randomly posting lyrics to his song "Mountain Dew Anonymous". It was funny. So, we kept saying "Uh, gimme that Mountain Dew". We were laughing soooooooo hard. So, I told Crystal - We totally have to get Mountain Dews during break and take pictures. And she was like "oh totally". lol. So, we ended up pulling an all nighter to finish our homework. Then, when I got to school, I saw Crystal, and I said "Say it with me" and in unison we said "Uh, gimme that Mountain Dew". On break I bought 2 Mountain Dews - one for me and one for Crystal. Then, when we got to chapel, I gave her the Mountain Dew. Oh my gosh - I drank about half of it and then I started getting all loopy. Like crazy, jumpy, psychotic loopy. I was running up to people and saying "hi, how are you? how is your day going?" and stuff like that. Then I started getting all shaky - I litterally felt like I was drunk because I would try to walk somewhere and fall over because I was soooooo shaky. Everyone was asking me if I was ok. Today was a loopy, crazy, psychotic day. It is important to get sleep everybody - take it from somebody who's been there. I had total mush brain today - I swear, my brain turned into yogurt. lol. So, to my crazy, homework doing, chatty zombie buddies, this one's for you!

"Uh, gimme that Mountain Dew. I ain't playin' with you, you better give me my Mountain Dew!"

Friday, July 13, 2007


So, yah... last night my older brother, Josh, and his girlfriend, Kristin, came over. They brough pizza for dinner and the Master of Disguise for us to watch together. After we ate and watched the movie, Josh, Kristin, and Andrew (my younger bro) decided to go swimming. I didn't want to go because last time I went swimming, my cold got 10 times worse. Anywho, Kristin decided the water was too cold, so she and I went inside and watched Phantom of the Opera (well, the last half of it, we watched the first half last time she was over). Josh and Andrew shortly came in from the pool, and started watching the movie with us. Josh was positively HISTERICAL!! He can usually guess the plots of movies, but he couldn't figure this one out. He kept asking questions and being ticked off at the answers. When the movie finished, he was going on and on about how the Phantom is on "emotional crack". He started making all sorts of up and down noises followed by splat noises to show how his soul "dies" because Christine chose Raoul. It was just really funny.

Thursday, June 21, 2007

My mission trip

So, in case you didn't know, I recently got home from a 2 1/2 week mission trip to Malaysia with the Awana M-I-T (Missionary In Training) program. I was on a team with Mr. and Mrs. Bidwell, Hannah Sexton, Jenna Guthmiller, Bobi Ezell, David Schild, and Brett Hartt. I love my team so much. They are like my second family. I lvoe them each soooo much!! The trip went really well. I did not want to come home. The only part of the trip that I did not like was the long flights and the humidity. To get to Malaysia, we flew from Chicago to LAX (4 hrs), from LAX to Taipei (18 hrs), and from Taipei to Malaysia (4 hrs). On top of that, we had about a 2 hour drive to where we were staying. But, I think that the end results of the trip made the flights all worth it. We worked at 2 different church camps running a children's ministry. Each camp was 3 days/2 nights. The first camp was in a city called Port Dixon. We were at a hotel on the beach. The other girls on my team and I would get up in the morning and watch the moon set and the sun rise off the ocean. (sometimes we watched the sun set, too, if we weren't doing ministry until late). The second camp was in a city called Melaka. The hotel we stayed at there was very nice (something like a 4 or 5 star hotel. It was REALLY nice). The ministry we did involved running games, songs, puppet shows, skits, pantomimes, and teaching Bible lessons. Both camp had the theme of Faith, which was interesting because the whole theme behind the program I did the trip with is Stepping out in Faith. So, that was cool. At the first camp, we worked with 4 to 14 year olds. At the second camp, we worked with 4 to 12 year olds. The kids were so awesome. I miss all of their smiling faces. I saw God work in so many awesome ways. He revealed Himself to me during the second camp. I can't even begin to describe how awesome He is. We also worked at a third camp, but it was not a church camp. It was run by a church, but it was a community outreach camp. The church was in the middle of a Muslim community, so we could not evangelize. We had to simply build relationships and show the kids that we loved them. It was hard to talk about why we were there without mentioning God, but when we told them that we were there because we loved them, there were gasps in the room. At that camp, we worked with 3 different age groups back-to-back: 5 -7 yr olds, 8-9 yr olds, and 10-12 yr olds. We mostly ran games and crafts at that camp. But God still used us in great ways. God revealed Himself to me in so many different ways. I have a new understanding and a new love of God that I probably wouldn't have if it weren't for this trip. I also have a new perspective on worship. God is SOOOOO amazing! I am completely in love with my God and my King! This trip is one of the greatest things that ever happened to me.